Energy Sector

We have been making energy accessible to the general public since 1979. Now we seek to provide support to professionals and individuals in the energy transition.

Let’s work together

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étape 01/07

Business Categories

Energy Saving Certificates

Photovoltaic Systems

Charging Stations

Electricity &

Natural Gas




Professional Fuel Cards

Domestic Heating Oil

Expertise in Energy

Beyond fuel expertise

As the second largest oil distributor in France (12.18 million m3 supplied in 2023), SIPLEC has gained extensive expertise in the field of Energy over the years. 

Our teams SIPLEC – E.Leclerc develop products and services designed to meet all requirements, with regard to quality and performance, at the best price.

  • For individuals: fuel, Clairgaz conditioned gas, domestic heating oil, energy bonus incentive programs, electric charging stations
  • For professionnals: fuels, fuel cards, energy efficiency programs
  • For E.LECLERC Stores: natural gas, electricity, PV systems
  • Besides, our subsidiary SODIPLEC, runs a network of 23 motorway service areas throughout France. They offer fuel and retail products at competitive prices, along with catering services. All our private label products (i.e Marques Repères, Sélection d’Experts, Biovillage, Nos Régions ont du Talent, Tissaia) are priced the same as in E.Leclerc stores.

We believe controlling and mastering our processes is crucial to success. Our energy management systems are tested every year, as part of the annual audits required by our certification ISO 9001-2015 (Fuel excluding motorway activities, bottled gas, fuel card, energy saving system), delivered by AFNOR.

New sources of energy? Yes indeed!

For years, SIPLEC and E.Leclerc have been looking for ways to limit their environmental impact.

  1. 1994

    Pioneered biofuels

  2. 2010

    Introduced the first-ever energy-saving incentive program for individuals

  3. 2011

    Installed electric charging stations in store parking lots

  1. 2020

    Helped stores roll out 10,000 new electric charging stations by the end of 2025

  2. 2021

    Provided guidance and assistance to each store for PV systems (shading systems, etc.) and local loop solutions

Picture: Photovoltaic shades on the parking lot of an E.Leclerc storeSIPLEC

Calling out all companies selling sustainable products and offering cutting-edge solutions for the Energy sector, we’d love to hear from you!

Contact us

SIPLEC, Partner in Energy Savings

As a renowned distributor of fuel and heating oil, SIPLEC has been involved in the National Energy Saving Certificates program for years. In 2010 our teams developed a program that paved the way for E.Leclerc to become the first distributor to offer Energy Saving Certificates to customers wishing to carry out energy efficiency work.

About the Energy Rewards

Since then, we’ve created additional energy-saving incentive projects for the E.Leclerc stores along with other entities, businesses, communities and legal entities. SIPLEC has developed a great deal of specific operations and partnerships on many programs, they promote:

  • Energy renovation programs, in conjunction with the Service d’Accompagnement à la Rénovation Energétique (SARE) in French departments and cities.
  • Soft mobility, in tandem with Karos (carpooling incentives), Alvéole (bicycle parking facilities in public areas), ADMA (French expertise on pedestrian and bicycle issues), SIEL (health prevention for the elderly by including soft mobility in their travel habits).

Energy for Business

We offer a variety of custom solutions to better manage your company’s utility costs, regardless of the size of your business.

Vehicle fleet management: E.LECLERC Professional Fuel Cards

Access to E.LECLERC stations in France for your fuel and mobility cards

“Greener” fuels

We’re proud to say that we have been pioneering ” green ” fuels since 1994. Since then we’ve been looking for ways to include plant-based products in fuels, e.g. ethanol, FAME, ETBE.

In addition, we were the first ones to market 3 very specific biofuels, E10, B30 and E85 (“super ethanol”), now available in every E.LECLERC gas station.

All the alcohol and raw materials used to make biofuels comply with the quality and sustainability standards laid down by the European Union. They are free from palm and soybean oil.

Picture : SIPLEC biofuel at E.LECLERC gas stationSIPLEC

Biofuel suppliers, interested in showing us your products?

Contact us

High-Quality and Safety Standards

We are extremely vigilant and cautious when it comes to compliance with quality and safety standards for our products, as required by the authorities.

For our fuels and combustibles

  • Traceability of the sustainability of our biofuels
  • Inspection and validation of each boat chartered by our suppliers, for every single shipment. Our criteria grid guarantees people safety, no pollution, no damage to dock facilities, and includes greenhouse gas emission data. Besides, since 2014, SIPLEC has been the only GMS operator to be a member of the SIRE (Ship Inspection Report Programme), part of the OCIMF (Oil Companies International Marine Forum).
  • Routine checks of 39 partner oil terminals
  • Regular controls of stored products (+2,800 samples taken, i.e. 46,500+ assessments performed by independent laboratories, appointed and certified by the COFRAC every year)
  • The E.LECLERC gas stations are controlled by the Direction Régionale de l’Environnement de l’Aménagement et du Logement (DREAL) for safety and compliance with environmental standards.
Picture : Imported fuels are controlled by Kuprevich

For our Clairgaz gas cylinders :

  • For our gas cylinders, Clairgaz Butane 6kg and 13kg and Propane 11kg, with additional controls to those imposed by law at the time of the production of the cylinders (Standard EN 1442), at the filling center and on the storage in E.Leclerc retail locations.